Gum Treatment
Gum treatment is the treatment of active gum and jaw bone disease. The treatment can slow or stop the progression of the disease. Since there are different stages of gum disease (from gingivitis to advanced periodontitis), there are different levels of treatment. In some cases, the patient may be referred to a specialist. Gum treatment consists of one or more of the following procedures, depending on the individual case: Prophylaxis(Cleaning)Scaling and Root Planing
Scaling and Root Planing combined with a strict home care routine and more frequent periodontal cleanings and exams will increase your chances of keeping your natural smile. Gum SurgerySometimes, in order to treat advanced gum disease, surgical procedures are necessary, such as:
Advanced Medications
Strict Home Care RegimenA home care routine specific to the patient's individual needs may be prepared to prevent the patient from relapsing. |